Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sparse shade
butterfly wings afford
the only breeze

The author's are assembling now.
As is our "tradition", the author's post an introductory
haiku prior to our renku...


John Merryfield said...

Beautiful Bandit!

T.Migratorius said...

This verse has a really interesting perspective Willie!

I am going to have to decline this time. I am swamped with stuff for the next few days. Sorry I haven't been checking that email account until the afternoon or evening lately. Hope I haven't been holding you up.

I will pop in from time to time to see what is going on here.

Don't forget about me next time around!

bandit said...

No sweat darlin',

See Haiku Bandit Society this weekend for updates on an international blogger initiative to support Iranian protesters.

We may be delayed ourselves through the weekend. Drop by to see how we've progressed.