twilight stroll
a pocket full
of rosehips / ec
the leaf strewn path,
my footprints in yours / tm
of the obelisk
changing its shape / b
a handwritten note
weighted with a stone / ec
traced in the dust
of a cold moon / b
below the boat,
infinity tinted blue / tm
falling for you-
two ball,
corner pocket / ec
her thighs grip his Harley
as young quail scatter /tm
the autistic boy,
in thrall
of shining wind / b
a bottle catches the breeze-
my sentiments exactly / ec
paper, scissors, rock...
an origami crane
flutters to the ground / tm
of rainbows, crayons,
and summer school daisies / b
tm: turdus migratorius... (Robin)
ec: El Coyote... (Eric V.)
b: bandit... (William Sorlien)
completed October 27, 2009